Encanto Starcast And Their Salary : Encanto is a Disney animated film, which is directed by Byron Howard and Jared Bush. The voices of Encanto movie character is given by Stephanie Beatriz, María Cecilia Botero, Wilmer Valderrama etc. Encanto movie is scheduled to be released in the Theatres on November 24, 2021. Here is the salary of Encanto Starcast.
1. Stephanie Beatriz as Mirabel Madrigal
Salary : $ 200,000
2. María Cecilia Botero
Salary : $ 150,000
3. Wilmer Valderrama
Salary : $ 125,000
4. Adassa
Salary : $ 100,000
5. Diane Guerrero
Salary : $ 80,000
6. Mauro Castillo
Salary : $ 75,000
7. Angie Cepeda
Salary : $ 60,000
8. Jessica Darrow
Salary : $ 55,000
9. Rhenzy Feliz
Salary : $ 50,000
10. Carolina Gaitan
Salary : $ 40,000