The Wild Robot Cast And Their Salary: The Wild Robot is a Hollywood animated epic science fiction movie, which is directed by Chris Sanders. Movie The Wild Robot is produced by Jeff Hermann. Movie stars who has given voice for movie are Lupita Nyong’o, Pedro Pascal, Kit Connor, Bill Nighy and Stephanie Hsu. This movie is based on the book series of the same name, which is written by Peter Brown. The Wild Robot is released on 8 September 2024 on theatre. Here is the The Wild Robot Cast And Their Salary.
Name | The Wild Robot |
Original Language | English |
Release Date | 8 September 2024 |
Directed By | Chris Sanders |
Produced By | Jeff Hermann |
Budget | $70 million |
Distributed by | Universal Pictures |
1. Lupita Nyong’o as ROZZUM unit 7134 (“Roz”)
Salary of Lupita Nyong’o in The Wild Robot is $2 Million
2. Pedro Pascal as Fink
Salary of Pedro Pascal in The Wild Robot is $2 Million
3. Kit Connor as Brightbill
Salary of Kit Connor in The Wild Robot is $400,000
4. Catherine O’Hara as Pinktail
Salary of Catherine O’Hara in The Wild Robot is $400,000
5. Bill Nighy as Longneck
Salary of Bill Nighy in The Wild Robot is $300,000
6. Stephanie Hsu as Vontra
Salary of Stephanie Hsu in The Wild Robot is $200,000
7. Mark Hamill as Thorn
Salary of Mark Hamill in The Wild Robot is $200,000